Know Your Rights During a Traffic Stop
Driving a vehicle on a daily basis is a necessity for a lot of people. While most people are safe when driving and follow all…
How Long Do You Stay in Jail If You Can’t Make Bail?
When you’re accused of a crime, arrested, and taken to jail, you may have an opportunity to post bail and obtain a conditional, pretrial release….
Six Reasons You Don’t Want to Stay in Jail Until Your Hearing
When you’re arrested and taken to jail, you may have to wait several weeks or even months for your case to close. Processing a case…
Can You Go to Jail for Not Paying Bail Bonds?
When a defendant is granted bail, this comes with a large list of conditions. If any of these conditions are not meant, the judge will…
When Can a Judge Raise Bail?
Many people think that once bail is set, it can’t change, but this isn’t true. You can even post bail, head home, and then be…
How to Post Bail
Just found out a friend or loved one ended up in jail? Did they call you for help? If you’re considering helping that person post…
What Should I Know Before I Contact a Bail Agent?
When you have a loved one who’s relying on you to bail them out of jail, you can post bond directly with the court if…
How to Get Someone Out of Jail With No Money
Contrary to popular belief, you do not need a significant amount of money to bail a loved one or friend out of jail. In fact,…
Rearrested While on Bond? Here’s What Happens
Though unlikely, it is possible to be arrested while out on bond. If such an unfortunate scenario unfolds in your life, your case will become…
Types of Bail Bond Collateral
There is a common misconception that an individual who is jailed needs a considerable amount of cash to get out of jail. The truth is…